A 45 minute coaching session followed by a 15 minute guided meditation.
Service Description
45 minutes Coaching Session + 15 minutes Guided Mediation 1 hour Total - £75 COACHING FORMAT: CLARIFY your goals, IDENTIFY the barriers holding you back & the SOLUTIONS to overcome them. We would CREATE a realistic plan to achieve your goals with follow-up sessions on a weekly basis. The ACCOUNTABILITY FACTOR would increase your focus & motivate you to stay on track. Supporting you to become the person you want to be, to enjoy a more fulfilling life. Achieving your goals is also the way to a calmer & more relaxed future. This will enable you to rely on yourself to make decisive decisions, take decisive actions & to effectively express your thoughts, where your presence would be felt & your voice would be heard. SUPPORT: I will be available between sessions by phone, text or email. I CAN ASSIST YOU WITH: * A change in life circumstances * Preparing to return to work * Working through making difficult decisions * Working out what to do next, if you're feeling a bit stuck. * Speaking up & owning your voice * Stress management 15 MINUTE MEDITATION SESSION - I will guide you through a 15 minute meditation practice to calm and revitalise you. (Directly after the coaching session) The meditation will include, controlled breathing for tension release & increased relaxation.
Contact Details